FAQ: eQSL System
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) >eQSL System
eQSL how it works and rules and regulations apply on this
eQSL how it works and rules and regulations apply on this

eQSL how it works and rules and regulations apply on this
eQSL how it works and rules and regulations apply on this
eQSL System

Hello everyone,

If you go to your spots (called MY SPOTS in the scrollbar CLusterDX) you will see your spots in a list.

if you would like to sent a opperator who you spoke to a eQSL then click on the right side of your spots on the Yellow Icon. (Below the pencil, and delete spot Icon)

After you click on the Yellow Icon you will be transfert to the eQSL page.

upload your own picture foto? (You can use also pre installed QSL card foto's)

your own QSL foto? Upload your eQSL photo.

The image size must be 600 x 400 pixels only .jpeg/.jpg
Max file size 100kB. If you don't see the newly uploaded photo, please press Ctrl+Shift+R

After this you can at your remarks, and automaticly the e-mail address of the operators ( who is a user in clusterdx) will be filled in automaticaly.

If the user on ClusterDX has the e-mail on Hidden? then your have to ask the user the e-mail addres. Beccause we respect if someone likes to have the e-mail on hidden! So we do not Show.

You can also sent to other Operators who are not member- user here on clusterdx. By entering there e-mails address.

After you sent the eQSL the opperator will get a link mail via our eQSL server and they can download the eQSL card by right-click safe option. We will store the eQSL on the database, after this we will delete it for storage room safe.
The E-QSL is for all users on ClusterDX and the volunatry donation Levels does not give you a extra room of storing your e-QSLs. So we ask you to check your receivde e-QSL card and download this right away. every year arround 31 December we clean-up the e-qsl's. If you do not have time to login-in or are not busy with your hobby?. we can not make any exception. Durning the time or year we can consider to delete E-QSL
We try to send a pre message first and warn you about the upcomming E-QSL deleting. We do not respond on messages that contains complains why the e-qsl are deleted. Its plain and simple, its your own responsebility to check often your e-qsl and messages. If you have no time for the the hobby or what so every? that we understand but we can not make any exception. Please check update, PM message and rules and regulation often. And check your e-qsl system and download straight away your E-QSL so you will not have any problem after we delete a E-QSL. Ones again its your own responsibility to donwload or screenshot your e-qsl. Also be very clean with your E-QSL 'no nude picture, Recist of political statements are allowd to send or receive see also rules and regulatiuons (code of conduct)

Good luck,

Video tutorial for eQSL

73's PJ and Tomek Admins ClusterDX

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ClusterDX Rules and regulations and code of conduct apply to this.



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